Anti-corruption, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment

Enel Global Trading S.p.A. of Enel's Global Energy and Commodity Management and Chief Pricing Officer Division has implemented a Policy for the Prevention of Corruption and an Integrated Policy for Occupational Health and Safety and the Environment.

These Policies express the fundamental principles, commitments and actions in order to fight corruption, protect Occupational Health and Safety and respect the Environment, considering the psychophysical integrity of people and the Environment as the most precious asset in every moment of life.

Enel Global Trading S.p.A., part of Enel's Global Energy and Commodity Management and Chief Pricing Officer Division, has Management Systems certified to the following standards:

  • ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption, obtained in November 2018;
  • ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety, obtained in November 2019 and extended in 2021 to address, coordinate and monitor the prevention of Occupational Health and Safety risks in the operational activities of the Foreign Countries;
  • ISO 14001 Environment, obtained in November 2020.

In addition, Enel's Global Energy and Commodity Management and Chief Pricing Officer Division manages, on behalf of Enel Produzione S.p.A. and Enel Green Power Italia Srl, Know Your Customer (KYC) activities for their counterparties.

The ISO 37001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 Policies and Certificates of Enel Global Trading S.p.A., Enel Produzione S.p.A. and Enel Green Power Italia Srl can be consulted at the following links:


Management Systems and Climate Change

Enel Global Trading S.p.A. has implemented a project for adapting its Management Systems. This is as a result of the publication of an “Amendment” by the ISO, regarding the need to assess the effects of climate change and related risks in the development and maintenance of Management Systems. The purpose of this process is to assess the relevance of these impacts on business processes and to document any mitigation plans or actions.